1. Today is Archie's 8 month 'birthday'... He is growing up so quickly. In fact, I don't feel wholly cheerful about this one, as every parent out there knows it is bitter sweet watching those little bundles get big (and bloody hell, he is big! I met a TWO YEAR OLD he was bigger than today lol) and strong. He has two tiny toothy pegs, and his favourite person in the world is no longer me, it's his big brother. In fact, I'm sure I heard him say 'brother' the other day (as that's what Bob calls him, it's not as unlikely as it sounds).
2. My Breastfeeding Peer Support course is going well, today was our penultimate session, and I have really enjoyed it. I've loved learning about breastfeeding and sharing my thoughts and feelings with the other ladies doing the course. God knows what I am going to do on a Thursday morning now when Harry is at the childminder's - Archie and I won't know what to do with ourselves.
3. And that leads me on to my final reason to be cheerful (well, there are many more, but you know what I mean). I am so pleased to have found a wonderful childminder for Harry, and for Archie when I return to work. Harry loves his time there (today he said 'That was a really good play, mummy' when we got in the car) and I confident she enjoys his company there too. I feel like a lot of the anxiety about leaving Archie when I do go back to work has already been lifted :-D